Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ilog Baptist Church 100th Anniversary: SUNDAY SERVICE

(My beloved Church)

 (Striking poses during Sunday service)

(With My Beautiful cousins! L-R: Beverly, Alvie Jane & Aldiena Rose)

(The Priase & Worship Team of IBC. L_R: Ardel, Alpha Jane, Nong Gerald & Fretchelle)

(Some Members of the IBC Chancel Choir)
(During the service)
(Sponsored Cake by my very thoughtful Mom!)

As you have see on my older posts, this is just a continuation of the Oct- Nov vacay that I had. This time, It's the Sunday service of the week long celebration of the 100th years Anniversary of ILOG BAPTIST CHURCH. I can say that this is one of the reasons why I really went back home to my hometown even though I have review classes for my upcoming licensure examination for nurses. I took the opportunity to be able to attend the once in a lifetime event of my beloved church because I believe that I am lucky enough that the 100th year of our church has to be in my generation. I really can't explain how I feel. I am just so lucky to be in this generation celebration and proclaiming Jesus Christ for 100 years until He comes. So I guess I'll end my post until here for now. God bless everyone. 

Ropa Jane

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